Stages of a Relationship
For one to have a successful relationship there are various steps which are supposed to be followed. You must follow these steps as they appear and not jump even one of them. Why most relationships fail is because they did not follow the various steps in order. For a long term relationship to be successful, the parties must follow the steps. These steps bring about fresh feelings, challenges that you are supposed to conquer and fresh chances for development.
The first stage of a relationship is the romance stage. This is the stage that you try to please one another and try not to hurt the other. This stage is also called the courtship or the fantasy stage. This stage can last from two months to two years depending on individuals. This is the stage that you have so much in common and you almost appear as one person. You also spend most of the time together and conflict is the worst when it comes to this stage. This stage is the one that the base of your relation is built. You will also experience some biological produce. These effects make you happy all the time. This is the stage that you feel extremely happy and you do not think that this feeling will ever end.
The second stage is the disillusionment stage. This is the stage where you come to reality and you familiarize yourself with the reality. This is the stage that you get to understand your partner more and know their defects and weaknesses. In this stage you will start to feel less hyper because the biological produce of endomorphism is low. You will notice that your partner is not so perfect after all but there are some parts of him or her that are still good. This is the stage which most people become confused and you will start to know things about your partner. The best skill that you can use in this stage is knowing how to communicate with your partner and solve various problems.
The final stage is the commitment stage. This is stage where the partners transform and start to real love. This is the stage that they know each other’s weaknesses and they learn to deal with them. In this stage the partners do not need each other but have chosen one another. In this stage you are more of a team and partners than you are in relationship. Commitment is the key factor in any relationship and in this stage you start to make your relationship loud. With these few stages you can be able to check which stage you skipped.